Louisa has had to chart a course through innumerable crisis situations, from war zones to failing schools, and now dedicates her time to sharing this skill of keeping inward balance despite outward chaos.

Studying Theology at Oxford University, Louisa went onto teach in some of the most deprived Secondary schools in London, before joining the Army and becoming a Military Intelligence Officer. Serving for a decade in Operational theatres including Afghanistan and Northern Ireland, Louisa gained first hand experience of carving personal resilience and clarity of decision making, as her Officer peer group became the most operationally deployed generation since the Falklands. Converting that experience into pragmatic techniques, compelling, clear communication, Louisa seeks to extend to any coachee or team the greatest gift- a true understanding and management of the Self.

An accredited coach, Business School Faculty and entrepreneur, Louisa’s lifelong learning sees her create workshops, programmatic Executive Education interventions and inspiring coaching alliances to support, inform and uplift. Qualified in psychometrics from MBTI, DISC, EI to NLP Practitioner and PTTLS Adult Education Tutor, Louisa utilises cutting edge Neuroscience and research with real life context, creating an evocative blend of the cerebral and practical to support any recipient.

Louisa’s dedication to deepening her awareness of the human journey, has seen her also embrace the wisdom of the indigenous Shipibo tribe in the Amazon and their healing work with plant medicine; work that irrefutably testifies to the crucial connection between mind and body and the need to honour all aspects of the self in any meaningful personal growth or transformation. In addition Louisa will also offer Constellation Theory as another path to understanding the systemic influences that can shape our decisions and experience.

Tirelessly exploring trauma, psychoneuroimmunology (the mind’s impact on the body) as well as pioneering research into meditation, Louisa integrates key influencers such as Bessel Van Der Volk, Peter Levine, Eric Berne, Carl Rogers, William Glasser, Pema Chodron, Gabor Mate, Daniel Goleman and other body-mind giants.

All in a bid to provide the most courageous, compassionate life journey partner to any willing individual to rediscover the joy and delight of being who they were born to be.

Louisa Clarke