Trust, compassion and challenge. Executive Coaching whilst aligned with business objectives and role requirements, nevertheless speaks to the needs of the individual, their goals, aspirations, fears and concerns. The process of compassionate inquiry is critical to the success of any coaching partnership. This affords the coachee the space to soften and consider where any blockers may reside that seem to impede progress. Invariably self examination is delicate, vulnerable and challenging, which is why when coaching with Louisa, the space for dialogue is typified by non-judgement, openness and authenticity. Louisa offers the coachee permission to be raw and honest, which is the only true way to explore the lies we tell ourselves that inhibit our growth.

Working hand in glove, the coachee and Louisa will explore beliefs, emotions and attitudes, deep diving into understanding our brain and it’s inter-dependence with our physiology. A comprehensive initial case history session equips Louisa with an intimate appreciation of the coachee’s personal perceptual paradigm and ask the question-is this serving you? At that moment the unconscious is made conscious and a coachee is empowered with a tool for progress-choice.